expanded video documentary

There exists a constructed dichotomy between nature and ‘culture’. Through gendered language, and characterisation of nature as woman – or ‘mother’ – this dichotomy both reflects and perpetuates our problematic, binary view of the sexes. I am interested in the consequences of this narrative on our relationships with woman, and with nature. Professor Catherine Roach suggests that by objectifying woman and personifying nature we are allocating 'semi-human’ status to each (1991). Nature-culture dualism also deems that by placing woman closer to nature, she is excluded from the full realms of culture – exiled to walk the line between, not truly belonging in either.  

Exile / Oscillation is a poetic documentary which captures my personal exploration of these ideas. At the heart of this film is the question: am I nature, or am I culture?

Videography by Hannah Foley & Gabrielle Eve


Skin Crawl