aeriform archive


An immersive and interactive online archive (website), created for, and in collaboration with the Brdgewater Jerry.

The Bridgewater Jerry is an intermittently forming, floating, dissipating, and reforming body of water; a fog shaped by meteorological and geological forces, that embodies an archive of knowledge. Water remembers. It holds the past and present together, in the particles it carries between places and bodies, and in its impressions within the topographical and biological realms of our planet…

aeriform archive is a living site. Its aim is to conduit intimate encounters with the fog. A Jerry forecast allows you to plan your exchange, and a growing community archive of experience asks for your own contribution.

This project is a collaboration:

Forecast model coding from Hayden Foley, created in consultation with Michael Conway (Meteorologist) of the Bureau of Meteorology, Hobart.

The Aeriform Archive site was designed and developed by Neon Jungle.

In the offline world
Promotional images by Gabrielle Eve
Print design by Jordan Cowen

Launched 17 July 2023, 6am
accompanied by wet breath exchange

This project is supported by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.

Help us to track the health of the Jerry over time, using the MIST/IC PORTAL.

Here, you can log the fog’s appearances (and absenses), contribute you own entries to the
archive, and get quick access to the Aeriform Archive site.


To know a river


wet breath exchange